another production 意味

  • 再演{さいえん}


  1. it is also possible to make various forms of tane by another production method of heating the mixture of the rice powder and water , kneading it , pouring it into the baking pan through a tube , and directly hot-pressing it .
  2. it is said that a paper making engineer left the iwamoto-mura village , a famous production area of echizen torinoko , for some reason , and reached najio , another production area , and invented doromaniai-shi (fusuma paper that incorporates soil ).
  3. it is said that a paper making engineer left the iwamoto-mura village , a famous production area of echizen torinoko , for some reason , and reached najio , another production area , and invented doromaniai-shi (fusuma paper that incorporates soil ).


        another:     another pron. もう 1 つのもの. 【動詞+】 That orange doesn't look good. Have another. そのオレンジはよくないようだ. 別のを取りなさい He finished the beer and ordered another. そのビールを飲んでしまうともう 1 杯注文した I don't like
        another such:    もう一つそのようなもの、もう一人そんな人
        such another:    同じ種類で別のもの
        in production:    《be ~》生産{せいさん}されている、製造{せいぞう}されている、製造中{せいぞうちゅう}である Those shoes are no longer in production. それらの靴はもう製造されていません。
        on production of:    ~の提示があった場合に
        production:     production n. 生産, 生産量; 製作, 産出; 製品, 産物; 結果; 提供; 上演, 演出, (映画などの)製作, 上演; 《口語》 大騒ぎ. 【動詞+】 activate production 生産を活発にする Problems with a big backlog of unsold stock beat down industrial produc
        with the production of:    ~を生じて
        another and yet another:    また一つまた一つと、次々{つぎつぎ}に
        act for another:    act for another 代弁 だいべん
        and another thing:    さらに、その上
        another advantage for:    もう一つの利点{りてん}[強み?優位点{ゆうい てん}]
        another affair:    another affair 別事 べつじ 別儀 べつぎ
        another aspect:    もう一つの側面{そくめん}
        another attempt:    another attempt 再挙 さいきょ
        another bank:    ほかの銀行{ぎんこう}、他行◆The「行」is an abbreviation of "ginkou" 銀行、meaning "bank".


  1. "another point to keep in mind here" 意味
  2. "another post" 意味
  3. "another prefecture" 意味
  4. "another prime source of anguish" 意味
  5. "another problem" 意味
  6. "another province" 意味
  7. "another question" 意味
  8. "another question suggests itself" 意味
  9. "another prime source of anguish" 意味
  10. "another problem" 意味
  11. "another province" 意味

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